New service release: 0.7.1

I created a quick service release to incorporate the changes since the last release.

This includes some minor adjustments in order to provide a more seamless user experience (sorry for the bullshit, but I just couldn’t withstand it 🙂 ).

Well, the new release fixes a nullpointer exception, and adds an option to save the current graph.

There are further tweaking regarding usability: the default layout is changed to Tree Layout in order to allow faster responses, and it is possible to hide the Local context node. These changes are the beginning of some serious overhaul, our goal is to increase the usability of the plugin.

One thought on “New service release: 0.7.1”

  1. I’ve updated the eclipse plugin central to the new version, and made some performance tests also. I like the option to export an image of the graph.

    Thanks for your work again, i hope i too can kill some time on the project soon..

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